
A Blog About Cryptids

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It seems a little strange, but this website/blog is actually the product of a project from a college class. Since starting the blog, I have successfully graduated and moved on with my life. But I don’t think I’m ready to move on from cryptids yet. Now that I successfully received my Bachelors of Science in…

Flying Rods

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s.. An atmospheric cryptid of unknown origin? Flying rods are another type of cryptid that hangs out in the skies high above. Are these a species of creature that’s been hidden to us throughout time? Or do they have a different explanation? Flying rods are a type of atmospheric…

Canvey Island Monster

An unidentified creature’s carcass washes ashore. This is no Globster, however, as it retained some of its form. Described as a pink vaguely-humanoid blob, could this be a new species of aquatic life? In 1953, and again in 1954, a strange body washed onto the shore of Canvey Island, east of London in the UK.…

Toronto Tunnel Monster

As Toronto, Canada became more developed, rivers and waterways were re-routed and even buried beneath the city in the form of tunnels and sewers. A creature stalks these tunnels: was it a river-dweller that was buried as well? Or something more sinister? In 1978, an unassuming and soft-spoken 51-year-old man got the fright of his…

Hoop Snake

Some people already have ophidiophobia (the fear of snakes) with the creatures only being able to slither at a fairly set speed. Image how many more people would be scared of snakes if they looped up and rolled at you high-speed. The hoop snake is a less fantastical cryptid than most. It doesn’t foretell of…


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