Terrestrial Cryptids

Terrestrial cryptids are the cryptids of the land. They don’t swim around like their aquatic cousins and cannot fly through the air like their winged cousins… But that doesn’t make them any less mysterious or interesting!

The most well-known terrestrial cryptids are Big Foot and its respective worldwide counterparts.

From Nepal’s Yeti to China’s Yeren, Pakistan’s Barmanou to Russia’s Chuchuna; bipedal ape-like cryptids have a home in many countries and cryptozoologist’s hearts.

But these familiar-looking ape-men are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to cryptids that dwell on land.

Ape-like cryptids always seem to just be hairy guys out for a walk…
An illustration of a wendigo: a cannibalistic cryptid of the First Nations Algonquian tribes.

There are many other types of creatures that are far more monstrous: like the Kasai Rex, an actual dinosaur that supposedly roams the Southwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo!

Despite the existence of approximately 7.8 billion humans on this planet, we still have a large amount of uninhabited (and unexplored) wilderness and forests.

As such, it’s unlikely that reports of these mysterious creatures will stop any time soon. Whether that’s due to them existing in remote areas or solely from the imagination of those that report sightings is up to you to decide.

Read the latest posts on Terrestrial Cryptids:

  • Toronto Tunnel Monster
    As Toronto, Canada became more developed, rivers and waterways were re-routed and even buried beneath the city in the form of tunnels and sewers. A creature stalks these tunnels: was it a river-dweller that was buried as well? Or something more sinister?
  • Hoop Snake
    Some people already have ophidiophobia (the fear of snakes) with the creatures only being able to slither at a fairly set speed. Image how many more people would be scared of snakes if they looped up and rolled at you high-speed.
  • Wendigo
    Something lurking in the woods wishes to feast on human flesh… Is it a human being inflicted with a cannibalistic spirit? Or an otherworldly cryptid all on its own? Or maybe it’s just someone suffering from a rather nasty psychotic break?
  • Shadow People
    Always just out of the corner of your eye and vanishing before getting a good look, shadow people have been described throughout history and myth. Nowadays, it’s one of the most regularly reported supernatural experiences!
  • Dover Demon
    Over the course of a few days, a strange cryptid was sighted in Dover, Massachusetts, in 1977. Strangely enough, it seemed that only teenagers were among those that sighted this fleshy biped.

Bigfoot image from WikiMedia Commons. Wendigo image from CleanPNG.com. All images on this site are free usage!

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