Types of Cryptids

Cryptids come in many different “flavors”; from gentle and well-known giants like Bigfoot to strange beings that looks like a kaleidoscope of creatures mashed together like the Flatwoods Monster of West Virginia.

Anywhere humans can experience a sense of unknown and mystery, cryptids dwell.

This blog splits them up into terrestrial, aquatic, and winged cryptids, although other the categorization of these creatures varies due to the nature of research…

Aquatic Cryptids
Nessie is a well-known and well-loved aquatic cryptid!
Terrestrial Cryptids
The Yeti is a snowy mountain-bound terrestrial cryptid!
Winged Cryptids
The Roc is a mythological giant bird… and also a winged cryptid!

However, the lack of concrete physical evidence always makes said categorization quite difficult!

Regardless, cryptids of all kinds have been reported throughout history and all over the world.

These creatures are generally from folkloric tales or have a mythological past, with only a few more modern cryptids (such as the aforementioned Flatwoods Monster) existing solely through eye-witness testimony.

To learn more about individual cryptids, read my blog posts!

Yeti image is from Pixabay. Roc and Nessie images are from WikiMedia Commons. All photos on this site are free usage!

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