Winged Cryptids

These cryptids fly through the sky on giant wings, bringing terror and awe wherever they go.

Popular winged cryptids include the Jersey Devil and the Mothman.

Cryptozoologists and other paranormal investigators often argue about what counts as a cryptid; winged cryptids are no different.

Some cryptozoologists also like to include the Thunderbird, a mythological creature recognized by certain North American Indigenous peoples’ history and culture.

Image from the Philadelphia Bulletin, 1909
The Jersey Devil
Image from Philadelphia Bulletin, 1909
A Northwest Coast styled Kwakwaka’wakw totem pole depicting a Thunderbird.

This inclusion is more of an adoption of terminology for reports of a large bird sightings in North America.

Some argue it is a form of cultural appropriation, due to the Thunderbird having a religious and mythological background, while others argue the mythological creature and the cryptid are separate entities.

Other types of well-known winged cryptids include faeries and winged fae.

Read the latest posts on Winged Cryptids:

  • Flying Rods
    It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s.. An atmospheric cryptid of unknown origin? Flying rods are another type of cryptid that hangs out in the skies high above. Are these a species of creature that’s been hidden to us throughout time? Or do they have a different explanation?
  • Crawfordsville Monster
    In 1891, a giant atmospheric creature was sighted hovering among the clouds. It filled witnesses with dread, flapping about in apparent agony as it terrorized the people below.
  • Owlman
    Known as the English variant of the better-known Mothman, the Owlman is a cryptid that stalks a Cornish church, yet seems to only be seen by young women.
  • Jersey Devil
    What do you get when you mix political and religious feuds with the creative and bored minds of 18th century New Jersey colonists and unexplained animal deaths? Apparently you get the amalgamation of a dragon and a goat that is the Jersey Devil.
  • The Mothman
    Popularized by John Keel’s 1975 book “The Mothman Prophecies”, as well as the 2002 film of the same name starring Richard Gere, the Mothman is a flying cryptid originally spotted in West Virginia in 1966.

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