What is a Cryptid?

cryptid: |Noun|

: An animal (such as Sasquatch or the Loch Ness Monster) that has been claimed to exist but never proven to exist.

Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary

Cryptids are mysterious creatures whose stories have only been spread by witness reports and shoddy camera-work.

They are eternally at the edge of our perception, and yet they continuously peak our interests.

Childhood shows like Scooby-Doo frequently feature mentions of cryptids (albeit they are unmasked at the end), as well as a surge in the sub-culture thanks to the advancement in communication technology.

I wouldn’t be the first to blame my interest in mysteries, true crime, and cryptids on Mystery Inc.

After all, what would be cooler than to find out a mysterious (and sometimes fantastical) creature has been living beside us this whole time?

Many cryptid witnesses would beg to differ; especially those that saw cryptids which are prone to foretelling doom (ala Mothman) or attacking livestock.

Cryptids vary from peaceful seeming hominids like the lovable Bigfoot to the blood thirsty goat-sucker that is the Chupacabra.

An artist rendition of the Chupacabra

Due to their elusiveness, cryptozoology (the study of cryptids) is often plagued by false evidence and snake-oil salespeople looking to further their own gains.

P.T. Barnum’s “mermaid” was a juvenille monkey sewn to a fish and was on display in sideshows around 1822.

A historical example of this is the well-known “Fiji Mermaid”, which was a monkey torso attached to the tail of a fish.

Should they truly exist and not be solely a fabrication of con-artists, there are differing opinions on where cryptids originate.

Cryptids by definition are elusive and difficult to record, however, so it could be that we will never know.

Some believe them to be naturally occurring creatures of the land or possible missing links between earthly species.

Others claim the more extreme paranormal backgrounds; everything from cryptids being alien creatures from outer-space to beings that have leaked through a dimensional rift.

Regardless of their origins, these mysterious creatures are here to stay in our thoughts where they will continue to spark ideas of mystique and wonder for generations to come.

The classic, albeit a little cheesy, Bigfoot pose in front of a mysterious night sky… Kind of encompasses the feeling of cryptozoology in general!

Images from WikiMedia Commons. All images on this site are free usage!

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