Aliens, Ghosts, and Cryptids

Oh my!

What do all of these have in common? And how are they all different?

Starting with how they’re similar: aliens, ghosts and cryptids are all part of the paranormal. They are not commonly found in everyday life and are often found in situations of “high strangeness”. (To learn more about high strangeness, check out my Sparks page here)

Beautiful and strange sights (even those that are explainable, such as the aurora) have stoked the flames of imagination and curiosity for centuries.

All of these also have debatable existences. Due to not being able to capture concrete (and repeatable) evidence, the study of aliens, ghosts and cryptids remain in the realm of pseudoscience.

Sometimes the concepts of aliens, ghosts and cryptids overlap! Yet the most common difference is where the supposed creature comes from.

A typical “grey alien”: one of the many species of aliens witnesses have claimed to encounter.

Aliens (probably quite obviously) come from outer space. They aren’t from this world, Earth, and generally are accompanied by some sort of otherworldly transport (usually in the form of a UFO).

There are different interpretations of what aliens could be, apart from physical beings with nuts-and-bolts UFOs. Some ufologists (those that study aliens) believe that they may be inter-dimensional beings. Others believe they may be psychic manifestations.

The main point though is that aliens are not “of Earth”.

Ghosts are another commonly sighted paranormal phenomena. The biggest point of a ghost is that it’s (also obviously) not alive.

Ghosts are spirits of those that have come before us. Many believe in the existence of ghosts, even those not in other paranormal circles!

A spooky ghost in a haunted looking garden. Or maybe just a method actor out for a stroll.

There are reports of intelligent and responsive human ghosts, repetitive residual hauntings (where usually intense moments in time are played out on repeat for all eternity), and even ghostly pets!

While there is debate on what ghosts are (some in the paranormal community think they could be misidentified creatures from another dimension, ala aliens), it’s generally agreed that they have a familiar Earthly appearance. Whether that’s your dear old Nan who passed away last year or a nurse’s specter as she acts out her last days is up to the ghost.

One of the most recognizable cryptids (bigfoot) sneaks about a misty forest. How can one not like a strange hairy ape man that mostly leaves the rest of us alone?

Finally that brings us to cryptids. Cryptids’ main defining features are opposite of aliens and ghosts: they are from the Earth and they are very much alive.

Cryptids are the most “flesh and blood” of paranormal creatures. They could even just be unclassified animals!

(Check out the “Real Life Cryptids” page to see some actual animals that were previously thought to be cryptids)

There are definitely some overlaps on all of the bad boys. Aliens, ghosts, and cryptids (depending on your beliefs) can be confused for each other. Is the little translucent flying object from outer space? Or is it a sparrow’s spirit? Maybe an atmospheric cryptid?

Due to the lack of concrete evidence, it can be difficult to classify paranormal phenomena. But I guess that’s what ufologists, paranormal investigators, and cryptozoologists are here for!

Alien image from Pixabay. Ghost from Sasquatch image from Pexels. All images on this site are free usage!

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